Monday, March 30, 2009

Retrieval Day!

Our retrieval was today at 9:15 am. I think it went well, but who am I to say, I was asleep! They retrieved 18 eggs! We will know late tomorrow morning how may actually fertilized. They expect about a 70% fertilization rate. We will likely go back for transfer on Thursday, at that time the embryos will ideally be 8 cells big! If they are doing really well they will allow them to grow for two more days, and become blastocysts which are between 50-100 cells big, making transfer on Saturday.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am currently taking two injections each day, one that develops lots of eggs and one that prevents ovulation. I thought there would be a lot of side effects, but I really haven't had any problems. Troy and I travel to Charlottesville daily for monitoring. During the appointment they do an ultrasound to measure size of each follicle (follicles hold the eggs). When a few of them are 18-20 mm they're ready. Today the largest ones were between 13-16mm. Then they do blood work to monitor my hormone levels. Everything seems to be going really well. We anticipate retrieval will likely be Monday of next week, but we really can't be sure.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Testing is Now Over!

Today we did the Trial embryo transfer first, it went well and was fairly painless. Next we did the dye test or HSG which was much more uncomfortable. The x-rays showed that there was a void in the dye which our Dr said could potentially be caused by a cyst or polyp, which would have to be removed before we could continue treatment. To confirm he did additional test which showed everything was normal. Although we really panicked for a few moments, we were so relieved that everything is fine. They told us that the blood work I did last week was also normal.

Troy and I have both started an antibiotic regimen in preparation for the procedure, I am also now taking birth control pills to regulate my hormones.

We will find out on Thursday or Friday if we qualify for the shared-risk program. I will share this new when we get it. We go back on Monday for baseline testing and so I can learn how to give myself the hormone injections that will be necessary. We are scheduled to begin treatment on 3/21 and are very excited!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On with the tests...

I finally started my cycle, so we are now able to do the remaining tests. I gave about 10 tubes of blood last Thursday. They tested it for hormone levels and, as mandated by the FDA, for HIV and Hep B & C. We go on 3/11 to do two more tests. One is a practice embryo transfer so when we go for the actual procedure they will know exactly where the best place to put our embryos is. The other is a test where they inject dye in to me to assess my uterus and to see if my tubes are blocked. Our appointment is at 9:00 am. These should be the last of the tests, we should know soon if we qualify for the Shared Risk program. I will share the results as I get them. If all goes well we go for baseline testing at 3pm on 3/16 and we start treatment on 3/21!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.